Botox is often associated with Hollywood stars chasing an eternally youthful appearance. It is also thought to be the culprit for frozen facial expressions, and many times considered poisonous. But these are just misconceptions. Administered correctly and professionally, Botox does wonders for your skin! From improving the aspect of fine lines and wrinkles to allowing patients to take control of their sweat glands, Botox is one of the best cosmetic treatments available on the market.
Botox is a purified protein derived from the Clostridium Botulinum, also known as the bacterial toxin botulin. While the botulinum toxin was at first created to treat patients with muscle spasms, like eye twitching, soon enough medical professionals realized its potential to smooth wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes. Botox injections are administered in specific parts of the face to diminish forehead creases, frown lines, and crow’s feet, but they can also be used to treat severe underarm sweating (hyperhidrosis). The solution acts as a muscle relaxer and doesn’t allow the muscle to contract. Due to its excellent effects on our skin, more than 7 million Botox treatments are administered annually. So what are the most common Botox myths?

Myth #1 Botox is poisonous
Since Botox is derived from a toxin, many consider it to be poisonous. After all, no one has anything nice to say about toxins! While it is true the botulinum toxin is responsible for botulism if present in a large amount; when used by a medical professional as part of aesthetic treatments, there are no risks of developing this condition. The doctor will use it correctly and in small doses to make sure patients will benefit from the anti-aging procedure with minimum side effects. Moreover, Botox treatments have been used since the 1980s to treat medical conditions. In 2002, Botox procedures were approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating facial lines.
Myth #2 Botox freezes your facial expressions
If Botox is administered correctly by a skilled professional, you will have no problem showing your emotions through facial expressions. Too much Botox or Botox administered by an inexperienced injector may cause the much-feared frozen face look. However, an experienced doctor knows the exact amount and number of units necessary for the treatment. Administered correctly, Botox will do its job of smoothing your forehead, crow’s feet, and smile lines, and allow your face to naturally convey the entire range of your emotions. It’s with good reason that Aesthetics MedSpa Reno is known as the number 1 place for Botox treatments. We have patients who fly in from around the country to receive their Botox treatments from our highly experienced team.
Myth #3 Botox injections are painful
Since any type of injection involves needles, it’s only natural for patients to fear the possibility of pain. While a small amount of pain can be expected during the treatment, many people find it to be tolerable. Botox treatments are administered as multiple injections, but the doctor will use small needles that will penetrate only a little below the surface of the skin. The amount of pain experienced during the procedure depends on the patient’s pain threshold but, generally, patients only experience minor discomfort. If you have low pain tolerance, you can always ask your doctor to use topical anesthetics to minimize the discomfort.
Myth #4 Botox can have severe side effects
Due to the small doses of Botox administered for cosmetic purposes, the neurotoxin will never reach your central nervous system and cause botulism. Moreover, there is no need to fear side effects like excessive swelling, bruising, or redness following the procedure. Each patient reacts differently to Botox injections, but all side effects are mild and temporary. The site of the injection may appear a little pink and swollen but your skin will regain its natural aspect and color within 20 minutes of the procedure. There may be occasional bruises where the needle has been inserted and it is recommended for patients to avoid aspirin or other blood thinners a few days before the appointment to reduce the possibility of bruising. Most patients return to their daily routine immediately after the procedure.

Myth #5 Botox can cure wrinkles
We all wish this to be true but it isn’t! Botox cannot cure wrinkles and the effects of the injections are not permanent. There are two types of wrinkles: dynamic and static. Dynamic or “movement” wrinkles are the result of repetitive facial muscle movement while static wrinkles are caused by sun exposure and aging. Botox works best for the first type of wrinkles relaxing the facial muscles and improving the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Unfortunately, static wrinkles dig deeper into the skin and require different aesthetic treatments, such as dermal fillers, PDO threads, or laser therapy. The effects of Botox treatments last between three to six months. Our professionals at Aesthetics MedSpa Reno always do a preliminary consultation to discuss your goals and details about your medical history, to determine the most effective procedure.
Myth #6 Botox is addictive
This couldn’t be further from the truth! There is nothing in the Botox solution that could ever create addiction. It is very possible for patients to return for more Botox treatments but this happens because they enjoy the results. However, this is a matter of rational choice. No addictive substance will be administered during the procedure so there is no risk for a person to develop an addiction to the neurotoxin. You can stop your Botox treatments whenever you want. If you choose to stop, the only “side effect” will be the natural return of your skin‘s original aspect prior to the procedure, and the normal appearance of wrinkles. And no, your wrinkles will not look worse than before because you stopped using Botox treatments. This is a myth and it has just been debunked!
Myth #7 Botox can be used only for wrinkles
Botox has been used for medical purposes for more than three decades and has numerous health benefits in the hands of licensed, board-certified, skilled physicians. The neurotoxin continues to be used as a treatment for a wide range of medical conditions, including the spasms of eye muscles, chronic migraine, limb spasticity, neck spasms, and cervical dystonia. Furthermore, Botox has been proven to be very effective as a treatment for excessive underarm sweating and can also be injected in the palms and soles of a person suffering from severe sweating.
We hope we’ve been able to dispel a few of the common misconceptions surrounding Botox treatments. However, if you still have questions, don’t hesitate to contact Aesthetics MedSpa Reno. Our experienced team will be happy to address all of your concerns and provide answers that are more specific to you, your medical conditions, and your goals.