A person with closed eyes receives dermal filler injections in the forehead from a practitioner wearing a white coat.

Dermal Filler Injections in Reno, NV

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As we age, we lose the subcutaneous fat beneath our skin and causing volume loss. Moreover, our cheeks start to sag, and more lines become apparent around the nose and mouth. Sun exposure and lifestyle can also leave their marks on our faces.

Dermal filler injections are one of the most effective weapons we have against wrinkles on our skin. They act fast against fine lines and wrinkles and require no surgical procedures.

Dermal filler treatments can help with the wrinkles around the nose and mouth to restore a more youthful appearance. Additionally, they can be used to add more volume to your lips, cheeks, and temples, and create a lifting effect.

A person in Reno is receiving dermal filler injections in the forehead from someone wearing gloves.

What are dermal fillers injections?

A dermal filler is an injectable gel designed to reduce wrinkles and help skin look healthier and younger. Salons use various FDA-approved gel formulas that instantly add volume to areas that have lost volume over time.

Dermal fillers are a quick and easy way to restore youthfulness and tighten up your face. Dermal fillers are designed to help with smile lines and nasolabial folds (lines from the nose to the corners of the mouth). There are also fillers that can add natural-looking volume to your cheek area and lips.

Choosing the right dermal filler

At Aesthetics Med Spa we provide the highest quality dermal filler injections in Reno. We work with a variety of brands and various types of dermal fillers within those brands. Each product has a specific density and injection depth and may be used to target certain areas of your face. We’ll work with you to identify the best filler based on the condition of your skin and your beauty goals.

Dermal Filler Treatment

Before the procedure, expect to meet with a doctor and talk about your expectations and decide on the right dermal filler. The doctor or dermatologist doing the procedure will go over the process and may do some allergy testing beforehand to avoid any adverse side effects.

Before the injections, the area will be numbed. The procedure is quick and usually requires fewer injections compared to Botox. You may have some numbness and redness after the procedure.

You will notice a difference immediately after your procedure. Dermal fillers are not permanent, so you may want to plan on getting follow-up treatments as the fillers wear off. The average dermal fillers last around 18 months and will slowly fade away.


Top Dermal Filler questions & answers

What are the different types of dermal filler?

The consistency of dermal fillers is similar to that of a gel. The FDA has approved four types of dermal fillers named after the substance they are made with:

  • Hyaluronic acid – naturally produced by our skin, it plumps and hydrates the skin; the results last between 6 to 12 months.
  • Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) – naturally found in our bones, guarantees results that last up to 18 months and is mostly used for deep wrinkles.
  • Poly-L-lactic acid – a biodegradable and biocompatible synthetic material, it acts as a collagen stimulator that rebuilds natural collagen to smooth fine lines; the results can last more than 2 years.
  • Polymethylmethacrylate beads – a synthetic and biocompatible substance shaped like a tiny ball that can’t be absorbed by our body; it contains collagen and has permanent results.

How long do dermal fillers last?

Dermal fillers are not permanent but can provide noticeable improvement in wrinkles and folds for 6 months to several years, depending on the specific type of filler used and other factors.

  • Hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers: Most common type, naturally broken down by the body. Lasts 6 to 12 months.
  • Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) fillers: Stimulates collagen production. Lasts 12 to 18 months.
  • Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) fillers: Stimulates collagen production over time. Lasts up to 2 years.
  • Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA): Tiny particles that are non-biodegradable, meaning your body doesn’t break them down. They provide long-lasting structure and support. Lasts up to 5 years, depending on the individual.

What to expect during the dermal filler treatment?

The technique is based on the administration of an injectable filler in the area of concern. You may be given a topical anesthetic before the injection, but many fillers already contain lidocaine to help with the potential discomfort caused by the dermal filler injection. The substance is injected beneath the skin.

You will notice a difference immediately after your procedure. Dermal fillers are not permanent, so you may want to plan on getting follow-up treatments as the fillers wear off. The average dermal fillers last around 18 months and will slowly fade away.

What are the possible side effects of dermal fillers?

Whether you are opting for temporary fillers or you prefer permanent fillers, the risks associated are minimal. Mild bruising and swelling are to be expected with the dermal filler procedure, but these adverse effects will probably subside in two weeks or so.

There also are patients who may feel a bit of pain or experience redness, itching, and numbness

What is the recovery time for dermal fillers?

The treatment is non-invasive, so you can return to work or your normal activities as soon as the procedure is complete.

It is recommended though to take a few days off from exercising or other activities that require a lot of effort.

Can I get dermal filler injections if I’m pregnant or breastfeeding?

Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid dermal fillers.
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