Made famous by Kim Kardashian but fueled by science, vampire facials are one of the cutting-edge treatments designed to fight the signs of aging and deliver a more youthful appearance. A vampire facial or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment involves using one’s blood to stimulate collagen production and promote cell turnover. No, you don’t have to drink your own blood to enjoy smoother and brighter skin. The cosmetic procedure is actually less scary than it sounds and more effective than you would expect. Aesthetics MedSpa Reno receives clients from around the country for our carefully administered PRP treatments.

What exactly does a vampire facial entail?

A vampire facial is a cosmetic treatment that can be performed by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon or under the supervision of a board-certified professional. The specialist will draw up a vial of blood from your arm and then spin it with a centrifuge to separate the plasma and platelets from your red blood cells and white blood cells. The platelets are tiny cells in your blood that can heal damaged blood vessels and stop the bleeding by forming blood clots. 

Once the platelets are injected into the plasma, the platelet-rich plasma is ready to be applied to your face. For the procedure to work effectively and the platelet-rich plasma to penetrate the deeper layer of your skin, the treatment is combined with a traditional microneedling session.

PRP Facial Injections

Microneedling involves the use of tiny needles to poke your skin and create intentional micro – injuries. Why would someone do that? Because as soon as your body catches news of the injuries, your organism activates its natural healing process and sends reinforcements, aka multipotent stem cells, to heal the wounds.

The active stem cells reporting for duty trigger new tissue growth in the treated area, which leads to collagen growth and, eventually, facial rejuvenation. The microneedling portion of the treatment creates micro-channels for the platelet-rich plasma to reach deeper into the skin layers, recycle dead skin cells, accelerate the cell renewal process, and amplify cell growth and collagen formation.

What are the benefits of a vampire facial?

PRP treatments may be relatively new to the scene of cosmetic services, but orthopedic doctors have used PRP to heal injured joints for many years now. What is revolutionary about the platelet-rich plasma is the number of growth factors delivered to the body to accelerate wound healing

When used for cosmetic purposes, the platelet-rich plasma focuses its attention on stimulating the collagen production process and boosting collagen levels. Since collagen is the foundation of glorious skin, there is no surprise that vampire facials come with a plethora of benefits, such as:

  • collagen stimulation
  • improved skin texture
  • reduced lines and wrinkles
  • brighter skin tone
  • boost in volume
  • smoother texture of the skin
  • reduced hyperpigmentation
  • improved appearance of acne scars
  • tighter skin
  • reduced appearance of pores
  • skin rejuvenation

benefits of a vampire facial

Are vampire facials safe?

Since the vampire facial is a blood-based skin treatment, the main concerns are blood-borne infections. However, vampire treatments are safe as long as they are performed by an experienced provider. While the procedure does not come without risks, when conducted in a sterile environment by a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon, the combination of microneedling and PRP is safe and has minimal adverse effects.

Vampire facials are not an ideal treatment option for people with a history of blood disease. In fact, a patient with certain clotting conditions that require blood thinners or other blood-related disorders should not expose their skin to PRP treatments. Furthermore, vampire facials will prove ineffective for a person whose skin has suffered extreme sun damage or who suffers from extensive facial scars. 

In general, vampire treatments are considered to be safe for the vast majority of people because the procedure uses their own blood and eliminates the risk of an allergic reaction. As long as the specialist performing the procedure adheres to strict sterilization techniques and properly sterilizes their equipment, vampire facials are a safe cosmetic treatment. Our expert team at Aesthetics MedSpa Reno will work with you to understand your goals and your medical history to ensure that treatments will be both safe and effective for you. 

Are vampire facials painful?

While the name of the procedure may have a frightening connotation, the procedure comes with minimal discomfort, especially when the specialist performing the treatment uses a numbing cream prior to the microneedling session. Some patients may experience discomfort and find the facial to be slightly painful depending on their pain tolerance level.

is safe_

The sensation is usually associated with a needle prick and is tolerable. Some sections of the treated area may be a little more sensitive than others. Recovery is generally painless, but minor post-treatment bruising may be expected following microneedling. Your skin may feel like you have a sunburn and mild bleeding is not unusual. All are common side effects of the procedure and will resolve on their own in the days to follow.

Since your skin will be very sensitive the next few days after the treatment, it is best to protect it from direct sun exposure, make-up, and excessive sweat. Recovery won’t take longer than a week, but it is recommended to wear sunscreen for longer than that. The healing period depends on various factors, including your skin condition, the needle length, and the amount of pressure applied. With stronger treatments, the skin may require up to seven days to heal completely, while a superficial vampire facial shouldn’t leave its marks on your face for longer than two to three days.

When will I see the results?

For a vampire facial to be effective, patients usually need a series of treatments 4 to 6 weeks apart. The results are not permanent, so you will probably need additional maintenance procedures in the years to come. It is important to understand this is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure. Thus, don’t expect the dramatic results associated with facial lifts.

However, as soon as the skin heals, which shouldn’t take longer than one week, you will notice brighter and more supple skin, as well as reduced dark spots and a boost in volume. You can expect to see the full results of the treatment within a few months and enjoy the effects for up to 1 or 2 years, depending on your lifestyle and skincare routine.


A vampire facial is an ideal treatment for patients who want to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as for people who suffer from acne scars or struggle with age spots or hyperpigmentation. The procedure is also an excellent idea for those who simply want tighter, firmer, and brighter skin without resorting to surgical procedures. 

In other words, yes, the vampire facial is definitely worth having! The procedure requires only 20 to 30 minutes of your time, has no downtime, and comes with an abundance of benefits for your skin. Our professionals at Aesthetics MedSpa Reno will provide you detailed aftercare instructions and are always available for any questions before or after your procedure.